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Love yourself

Your best friend is getting married; your old classmate is killing with success. Your ex.. is happy. your old mate is drowning in drugs. Different people are doing different things but not you. You're just existing; you're getting through everyday a little better than the last. But then you have days when you cannot get up at all. Loneliness wraps around you like a blanket you love and you wonder where you went wrong. Why do you become different to everyone else? Did i do too much too soon? Did i not do enough? Was there a reason why it was never me? is this going to be rest of my life? Alone? Unsuccessful? filled with dreams that never come true? and your hands reach out to your phone. One text, one call to that someone who might have made you feel pretty, which you might feel important. And your need takes over...
The need to feel accepted, to feel adored, to feel loved! and it is so strong that you forget your sanity for a few minutes of flattery. You lessen your worth for dishonest words. The hurt in your heart camouflaged. If only for a few seconds! But it's never enough and when you wake up it's worse. A memory of last night frustrates you, yet another mistake. Yet again! you scream hateful words to yourself. When will i ever learn? You go over those messages, those conversations. How you feel right back into ditch when you knew better! Just for a moment, you wish you weren't yourself and at that moment read these words.
Breathe you think i do not understand. But i do because i'm there too. I've made that call. I've texted that wrong person. I've woken up with regrets. I still do. Yes, we all make those mistakes. and we all think nobody else does but they do. So please, do not hate yourself. And don't stop loving with all you have. Do not stop wishing on fairy tales. Be amazing as you are. You might not ever get there but do not stop.
You have not lived half of your life yet. There is so much ahead. Do not waste your life. Use everyday every moment i do not mean you to spend thousands and travel round the  world. Do the simple things. Take a walk with nature, go write a novel sketch until you are better that importantly, make mistakes. Your heart will heal but today will never be back again.
Do not live with regrets and could have been take chances.
Always remember it's okay to be alone. Just believe my words one day you will thank your past for beautiful future. Learn from all your mistakes but never ever regret.
Love yourself Love yourself Reviewed by InfoTech learner on 12:51 AM Rating: 5

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